Our mission
To enhance the capacities of Mexico’s indigenous peoples for Sustainable Integral Development across the Physical-Environmental, Social-Human, Economic-Productive, and Civic-Cultural Dimensions.
Our vision
To be an institution widely recognized at the national and international levels for having significantly contributed to improving the quality of life for Mexico’s indigenous peoples.
Our history

Se constituye la organización: Patronato Pro Zona Mazahua A.C. en el Estado de México

Se pone la primera piedra del Dispensario Médico "Si Na Na Genze"

El 23 de octubre abre operaciones el Dispensario Médico para otorgar atención médica de primer nivel

Se constituye la organización: Fundación Pro Zona Mazahua I.A.P.

Se inaugura la planta purificadora de agua de lluvia, considerada como "regalo de México al mundo"

Se consolida el "Modelo de desarrollo integral sustentable"

Se inicia la réplica del Modelo en comunidades otomíes del Estado de México

Se constituye la "Fundación Pro México Indígena I.A.P." y se lleva a cabo el 1er Encuentro México-Indígena

Se replica con éxito nuestro Modelo con comunidades tseltales de Chiapas, y se lleva a cabo el 2do Encuentro México-Indígena

Se replica con éxito nuestro Modelo con comunidades mayas de Campeche, y se lleva a cabo el 3er Encuentro México-Indígena

Se lleva a cabo el 4to Encuentro México - Indígena

Se replica nuestro Modelo con comunidades purépechas de Michoacán; chinantecas y mazatecas de Oaxaca; y mayas de Yucatán

Se lleva a cabo el 5to Encuentro México-Indígena

Se replica nuestro Modelo con comunidades me'phaas de Guerrero

Se lleva a cabo la Subasta de Arte "Obras que toman vida"; y el 1er Encuentro de Cultura "In Nana"

6to Encuentro México-Indígena

Se comienza el trabajo con comunidades mixes y zapotecas de Oaxaca

Sistematización del Modelo que consolidad a nuestras 12 líneas de acción

Se llevan a cabo las campañas "Juntos x las comunidades mayas" y "1 2 3 por los niños indígenas"

Se realiza con éxito la campaña "La Gota de Agua que Derrama Ayuda", construyendo 130 cisternas

Se replica nuestro Modelo con comunidades mayas de Quintana Roo

Se comienza el trabajo de nuestro Modelo en comunidades wixárikas de Jalisco

Celebramos los 25 años de la Fundación; y se lleva a cabo el 7mo Encuentro México-Indígena

Se realiza la segunda edición de la campaña "La Gota de Agua que Derrama Ayuda", con la construcción de 193 cisternas
Awards and recognitions

Eugenio Garza Sada Award
Patronato Pro Zona Mazahua receives the Eugenio Garza Sada Award in the category of Social Entrepreneurship for our work of over 25 years with indigenous communities in Mexico.
The award was established in 1993 by FEMSA and Tecnológico de Monterrey ‘to recognize those who contribute to the development of Mexico through actions that improve the quality of life and well-being of communities.’

Earthshot Prize Expert Advisory Panel
Our Founder and CEO, Dr. Jeannette Arriola, is invited to join the prestigious ‘Expert Advisory Panel’ of the Earthshot Prize in its 2023 edition, due to her distinguished expertise in conservation, science, academia, activism, and grassroots work with indigenous communities.
The Earthshot Prize is a global environmental award, also known as the ‘environmental Nobel Prize,’ which has been led by His Royal Highness Prince William since 2021.

Luis Elizondo Humanitarian Award
Patronato Pro Zona Mazahua receives the ‘Luis Elizondo Humanitarian Award’ in the Humanitarian category at Tec Campus Monterrey, presented by David Garza, Rector and CEO of Tec de Monterrey; Héctor Escamilla, Vice President of Development; and members of the Award’s Board of Trustees such as Carlos Mijares, Oscar Elizondo, and Alicia Navarro.
This award recognizes the work of individuals and institutions dedicated to philanthropy, human fraternity, and scientific knowledge.

Paris Peace Forum
Participation of Fundación Pro México Indígena / Pro Mazahua in the fifth edition of the Paris Peace Forum with the project ‘Observatory of the Rights of Indigenous Mexico.’
This project gives voice to Mexico’s indigenous peoples for the first time, with the aim of ensuring they occupy the rightful place in history, making them an additional actor for the observance and full implementation of universal rights as outlined in national and international instruments.

Third Place in the State Altruism Award
Winners of the Third Place in the State Altruism Award, recognizing for the second consecutive year the altruistic work that Fundación Pro México Indígena / Pro Mazahua carries out daily in the indigenous Mazahua and Otomi communities of the State of Mexico.
The award ceremony had the presence of Engineer Juan Manuel Rosas, President of JAPEM, who mentioned that ‘all participating institutions were winners for making their commitment to others evident.’

Energy Globe Award
Category: Water
Fundación Pro México Indígena / Pro Mazahua receives the ‘Energy Globe Award’ based in Austria, in the Water category, for the project ‘Water for All’: Rainwater harvesting systems as a means to combat poverty and promote development in indigenous communities in Mexico. This marks the second time that Mexico has received this prestigious distinction, as it is the most important environmental award in the world.
Inspiring Practices Award
Winners of the ‘Action for Housing and Settlements in the Face of COVID-19’ competition in the ‘Inspiring Practices’ category, as part of the IV Latin American and Caribbean Housing and Habitat Forum, organized by the Urban Housing Practitioners Hub – UHPH (Urban Habitat and Housing Practices Platform), Cities Alliance, Habitat for Humanity, and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).
In this way, Fundación Pro México Indígena / Pro Mazahua is recognized for the ‘Construction of Integral Indigenous Tradition, Resilience, and Sustainability Homes for Mixe Families in Oaxaca,’ who were affected by the 2017 earthquakes and the COVID-19 health emergency.
Third Place in the Sixth Edition of the ‘Juscelino Kitbitschek Visionaries Award’
Presented by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), this award is the most prestigious recognition given by the IDB to civil society organizations that are doing extraordinary work to improve lives in Latin American and Caribbean countries in an innovative and effective manner.

Prize for Women’s Creativity in Rural Life
Presented by the Women’s World Summit Foundation WWSF, based in Geneva, Switzerland.
This award was granted to our Founder and CEO, Dr. Jeannette Arriola, recognizing her as a creative and compassionate woman, committed to improving the quality of life in rural areas, sharing challenges and knowledge, protecting the environment, reducing gender violence, rescuing children from abuse, mobilizing civil society, holding governments accountable, and uniting rural women worldwide.
She is distinguished as ‘a woman with a unique creativity to enable the most marginalized to be respected.’
State Altruism Award
This award is presented by Mr. Alfredo del Mazo Maza, Governor of the State of Mexico, through the State of Mexico Private Assistance Board (JAPEM). It recognizes Fundación Pro México Indígena / Pro Mazahua for the actions, work, and research that have helped mitigate the adverse effects of, or prevent the spread of, COVID-19 in the indigenous Mazahua and Otomi communities of the State of Mexico.

Environmental Merit Award ‘Margarito Esquivel Contreras’
Presented to Fundación Pro México Indígena / Pro Mazahua by the Municipal Government of San Felipe del Progreso, State of Mexico, for outstanding actions in the protection and preservation, as well as the improvement of ecological balance and the environment in the Mazahua region.

Governor Enrique Tomás Cresto Award
Presented by the Senate of the Argentine Republic to Dr. Jeannette Arriola.
In 2018, she received the ‘Governor Enrique Tomás Cresto’ award in its 18th edition, established by the Argentine Federation of Cities, Municipalities, and Associations of Local Governments, Club Shalom Argentina, and the Argentine Senate, in recognition of her contribution to the Integrated Economic Development of Latin America, acknowledging her as one of the ‘Development Leaders.’
Compartir Award for Community Development Institution
Presented by Compartir Fundación Social, I.A.P., for being a civil society organization that substantially contributes to capacity-building processes in the communities where they work.
National Award for Voluntary and Solidary Action
Awarded by the Government of the Mexican Republic.
This distinction was awarded to Dr. Jeannette Arriola to recognize and encourage the generosity, dedication, and commitment of her actions, which help rebuild the social fabric throughout the country and strengthen an inclusive and more just society.

Presentation of Sustainable Integral Development Testimony at the UN
Presentation of our ‘Sustainable Integral Development Model’ as a success at the UN in Geneva, Switzerland, during the XXX Session of the Human Rights Council.

Special Recognition for the ‘Bicentennial of National Independence and Centenary of the Mexican Revolution’
Presented by the Government of the State of Mexico to Pro Mazahua, from the then-governor, Mr. Enrique Peña Nieto, for our significant activities in support of indigenous communities to preserve their culture and promote the improvement of their living conditions, through the value of Equity.

Recognition as a Success Case
Recognition as a Success Case at the Annual Meeting of the Council of Environmental Cooperation of Canada / United States / Mexico in 2009, awarded for the outstanding work carried out in the San Antonio La Ciénega Watershed, within the municipality of San Felipe del Progreso, State of Mexico.

First Place in the ‘Good Partner’ Award
Former U.S. Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez and former Mexican Secretary of Economy Sergio García de Alba presented the ‘Good Partner’ Award to Pro Mazahua, as the organization ‘responds to the call of former Presidents Bush and Fox to engage in corporate stewardship and be involved in assisting needy individuals and communities.’
Fundación Pro México Indígena / Pro Mazahua was honored for its work in education, training, healthcare, microfinancing, and environmental conservation in the Mazahua indigenous region of the State of Mexico.

State Water Award
Presented by the Government of the State of Mexico, in recognition of the high-impact projects focused on water procurement in the Mazahua communities of the State of Mexico.

Commitment to Others Award
Granted by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (CEMEFI), where the Foundation is acknowledged for being an exemplary model of service, particularly for indigenous communities in Mexico.
Thank you for contributing to our work with indigenous communities in Mexico!
Your contributions help create a positive and lasting change in the lives of thousands of indigenous families in Mexico through initiatives, projects, and strategies focused on health, food security, access to water, cultural preservation, education, gender complementarity, among many others. Therefore, we always strive to use your donations responsibly and efficiently by prioritizing the specific needs of each indigenous community.
Likewise, we undergo independent audits to ensure the proper use of all our resources, so your donations and support are fully invested and secure.
In 2022, 90% of our total budget funded field projects:
Furthermore, our organization complies with the Indicators of Institutionalization and Transparency (ITT) awarded by the Mexican Center for Philanthropy (CEMEFI).
Additionally, we are certified by: